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Musical Meerkats!

The Marvellous Meerkats have certainly had another busy and full week growing their brains! 

In English, we have been looking at poetry and the children shared a variety of acrostic poems before reciting their chosen one to the class in pairs and individually.  The children were very excited to see themselves on the big screen via the iPad when they recited their poems.  We created a word bank using the letters from the words Poppy and Remember before the children wrote their own acrostic poem.  The children then, in their best handwriting, copied them out onto on special poppy paper.  We are so proud of the care taken with their presentation.   Linking to poppies, last week the children created red and purple poppies with different mediums.  This week we have made these into wreaths to remember the soldiers and animals on Remembrance Sunday.

In maths, we have all been developing our subitising skills (being able to recognise how many objects there are without needing to count).  The children have used their skills to show which number is greater and which is less than on the rekenrek frames.  The Year 1 children have explored teen numbers this week using lots of resources to make the numbers and prove to me how they know it’s a teen number.  The Year 2 children have been subtracting 2-digit numbers from 2-digit numbers.  Initially using resources before recording pictorially.  The children then took on the role of teacher and had to give me the instructions of how I should complete the calculation.   

We started our new topic in science - How do animals survive? The children matched adult animals to their babies and sorted animals depending on whether they were born live or hatched from an egg.  We then looked at life stages and the children acted out the various stages.  See if you can guess which stage the children are acting in each of the photos!

In music, we listened to music with different pitches and then sang a song with two different pitches.  The children even incorporated their own actions.  The musical Meerkats then designed their own musical instrument.  We will make these over the next 2 weeks.  If you could send in any small boxes, (tissue box size) small plastic bottles, yoghurt type pots that would be really helpful for when the children make their instruments.

As Tuesday swimming lessons replace the Monday outdoor PE lesson for this term, the children will need to be in outdoor PE kit on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.  It is fine for the children to wear their school shoes on these days.  Another big thank you to the parents and grandparents who joined us for swimming this week.  Your support is very much appreciated.

The weather has certainly now turned so please ensure that your child has a named waterproof coat in school every day.

New book bag books will continue to be issued every Friday so please do share these with your child.  If you have any unreturned books at home please send them into school next week.  Thank you.  Here's the link for the RWI blog which helps support your child's reading development. https://www.westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk/News/Friday-10th-November-2023/

Next week, Mrs Jeffery will be in class Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday with Mrs Watts taking Meerkat Class on Wednesday.  Ms Smith, our fantastic TA, will be with the class all week.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Jeffery, Mrs Watts and Ms Smith

Meerkat Class Team

Our class email is class3@westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk