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Music and Art

What another fabulous week in Giraffe class.

We have continued our work looking at Henri Rousseau and have been learning how to mix colours to make different shades of green. We then used this to paint and print our leaves ready for collaging next week. It has been great to experiment how to make lighter and darker shades. Then we used the pastels to shade our animals that we drew using step by step instructions.

On Wednesday we were really lucky to have the opportunity to listen to a live concert. We were able to see the instruments up close and appreciate how much practise is involved! The people played instruments from the medieval period and they looked very funny. They made some wonderful sounds.

In our Maths lessons, all of the children have been looking at weighing different objects using the bucket scales. The children have used cubes and the different weights to see how to best weigh objects.

As part of our English we have been reading a non-fiction text ‘From a Tiny Seed to a Mighty Tree’. Looking at how plants grow and indexes, glossaries and contents pages. We have been planting our own seeds and finding out really interesting facts. Next week we will be writing instructions for a friend to follow.

Just a reminder that we visit the library each Monday (or as close to, depending on events happening in school!) and the children bring a book home to share with you. If you find you have a few accumulating in book bags please give me a nod and we can return them!

Next week…

  • PE kits worn to school on Wednesday and Friday.
  • Thursday - World Book Day – dress as a word
  •  Mrs Millard in class on Friday.