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More shapes and nativity fun!

This week, the children have been practising their nativity play, 'It's A Baby!', around their learning in class. Their singing, dancing and acting is amazing and you are in for a real treat when you come to watch next week. We will be performing for you on Monday and Wednesday. Thank you for all your effort with the children's costumes. They looked absolutely fantastic in our dress rehearsal on Wednesday.

In Maths, the children have been continuing their work on shape. We have been counting the vertices on 3D shapes, sorting shapes into groups by their properties and also making repeating patterns. The children tried to make some of the 3D shapes using straws and blu-tac which was trickier than they thought.

In English, we have started reading the beautiful story, 'Ollie's Christmas Reindeer'. We have made predictions about the story. If you would like to read this with your child at home, please follow the link below:

Little Jooks Story Time

In DT, we have been exploring how we can use mechanisms to make a moving part on a Christmas card. We have explored what hinges, levers and sliders can do and we have all designed our own Christmas card with a moving part. Next week, we will be making these in class.

We were very proud of ourselves as we filled up our gem pot this week and had a treat together, watching one of our favourite programs! Well done Zebra class for working so hard as a team to fill your jar.

We have lots of exciting things happening next week so here are some reminders for you:

Monday 16th December- Christmas nativity performance for parents 9.30am

Wednesday 18th December- Christmas nativity performance 2pm

                                                    Christmas dinner

                                                     Wear your Christmas jumper to school

Thursday 19th December- Last day of term

Friday 20th December- No school for children (TD Day)


Have a lovely weekend and I will look forward to seeing you on Monday.

Mrs Rockey :-)