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More cars and Maths

This week has all been about our transition to the Junior School. The children had the most wonderful time looking around the school and making stomp rockets. They have come back buzzing about their new teachers and they are very excited. The children have made pictures and talked about their qualities to show their new teacher. 

As part of our maths we have been reading scales around the room. The children had to read the thermometers and record their answers. Building on our History topic, we have begun our DT, design a car. We have looked at the different parts of the cars and their functions. What is the same and what is different. Next week we will be designing and building our own......watch this space!

We have been practicing for the graduation which takes place on Tuesday 25th July in the WCP. All parents are invited and don't forget your tissues!!

Next week Mrs Russam will be in class Monday - Wednesday and Thursday afternoon. Mrs Watts will be in class on Thursday morning and all day on Friday.