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More Great Learning!

The children have positively blossomed this week. The change in their attitude and standard of work has been amazing to watch. The are bubbling with enthusiasm are a re loving their new-found skills.

As part of our English work, the children had to become vets as their poor Bog Babies were poorly. They had to examine each other and decide what was wrong from their symptoms! Then the children wrote their own sentences using the word ‘and’ to connect their sentences. The writing that the children produced as amazing. You could hear them saying what they wanted to write, using finger space, capital letters and full stops. Some of the detail was amazing.

It has been a hive of activity in Maths this week. The Year 1 children have been ordering numbers using lots of different apparatus. The photos taken were all done by them in their independent work. The year 2 children have been busy practising counting in steps of 2, 5, 10 and 3. They have been spotting patterns, using long number lines to see how quickly they can put the numbers in order. It has been amazing to watch them.

We finished our Science topic this week where we have been looking at habitats, food chains and how we know that something is alive. The children were given a double page in their books and showed us everything they knew. We are now beginning a new art topic and we be making some super sculptures.

On Wednesday, Reverend Rebecca came into school as part of our RE to talk about kindness and how we show this. She read the story of The Good Samaritan. We are looking forward to seeing her in church for our Harvest Service in a few weeks.

On Wednesday we will be going on our first school trip of the year. The children will need to wear comfortable trousers and their school jumper. They will also need suitable footwear, old trainers or wellie boots and a waterproof coat. We will leave and return in school time. Everyone will be provided with a school packed lunch but they will need a small backpack to carry everything in.

Next week parents evening takes place on Tuesday and Wednesday evening. Mrs Watts will be in class on Friday.