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Monkey Puzzle

What another busy week in Zebra Class!

In English this week, we started reading our new text, 'Monkey Puzzle'. We thought about the sequence of events in the story and the children made their own finger puppets to act out the plot in small groups. There are some fantastic actors in Zebra Class and I was very impressed by the different voices used for the characters. If you would like to listen to the story with your child at home, follow the link below:


We also thought about the nouns in the story. Nouns are the names of people, places, animals or things. The children came up with their own lists of nouns, using their 'Fred Fingers' to help them spell the different words.

In Maths, we have been using part-whole models to find number bonds within 10 in a systematic way. We progressed to thinking about how number bonds to 10 and 20 are actually related. 

We have now finished our art topic and have started a science topic, all about animals (including humans!) We started by thinking about how animals can be classified by their features into 6 key groups:







The children were surprised to learn that we are in fact mammals too! We have hair, our babies drink milk and we have live young. We sorted different animals into their correct family and also drew our own examples. We even used the play-doh to make our own animals.

Important information:

**Your child will bring home a library book every Monday. This text is not necessarily one that they will be able to read to you, but it is one to share together or for you to read this book to your child. Your child's reading book will be related to their Read, Write Inc stage of development and this is one that they CAN read to you. If you are unsure, please just ask. Your child must return their reading book every Friday in order to receive their next one. All reading books can also be accessed via Oxford Owl online.

**On Tuesday 8th October Mrs Hughes will be teaching Zebra Class as Mrs Rockey is on a training course all day in Swindon.

**Please remember to sign up for parents evening if you have not done so already. The sign up sheets are on the classroom door.


Have a lovely weekend and see you on Monday!

Mrs Rockey :-)