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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Monkey Puzzle!

The children seem to have grown up over the weekend and have returned to school like they’ve been in the class for ages.

We have begun a new a new English text of ‘Monkey Puzzle’. Lots of the children have already familiar with the story and have enjoyed taking part using the repetitive language. We had great fun retelling the story using our own finger puppets and working as part of a team. There has been the most super writing and the children are becoming more confident to work independently.

This links really well with our new science topic looking at different animals. We have been classifying them according to if they are mammals, fish, birds, amphibians or reptiles. There has been some wonderful language that has helped us to describe the different groups.

We have been really lucky to be able to get outside for PE. We have had great fun practising our ball skills and throwing and catching.

If you have not already singed up for parents evening, please do come and see me.

We are looking for parents to help us walk to church for the harvest service on Monday 21st October.

Have a super weekend and we look forward to another exciting week in Giraffe class.

Next week…

Mrs Hughes will be on class on Friday.

LIBRARY – Wednesday

Book bag book change – Friday

PE – Wednesday and Friday