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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Money, money, money!

We have had another busy week in Zebra Class. It is hard to believe we are almost half-way through this term already!

The Zebra children have now started their transition into their new class. They have been joining their new classmates every day at story time and this is proving very beneficial for them all. On Tuesday, they will spend the whole afternoon with their new friends and teachers whist the Year 2 children visit Westbury Juniors as part of their transition programme. 

In Maths this week, we have been learning all about money. We have been looking at the different coin and note values and comparing amounts. We have been very pleased with how quickly the children have mastered this, as money can be quite a hard concept to understand.

In History, we finished our topic on cars. The children concluded their learning by finding out about Henry Ford's production line and had a go themselves at building cars from playdoh, cocktail sticks and cheerio wheels. They realised the importance of team work and how everyone has a very important role to play within the production line in order for it to be successful.

In English, the children have been writing their own adventure stories based upon the fantastic book, Mrs Armitage on Wheels. The children invented their own character and vehicle and then used their imaginations to see what could be added to their vehicle, such as wings, boosters, seats and even jet engines! The children ensured that their story had a clear beginning, middle and end.

In outdoor PE, we have continued developing our football skills. This week, we practised controlling the ball at different speeds, as well as stopping the ball on command. Who knows, maybe some of the Zebras will feature in the England team one day! 

In Computing, the children have been continuing with the program, Scratch Junior on the iPads. This week, the children learnt how to run/start a series of instructions by 'tapping' on their chosen character. They also experimented with adding different backgrounds into their algorithm/sequence.

Please remember to bring sun hats to school each day during this warm weather and apply sun-cream before school.

 Have a lovely weekend!

 Mrs Rockey, Mrs Channon and Miss McVeigh