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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base


This week we have finished our History topic about cars. We were introduced to Henry Ford and how he used the assembly line to help speed up production. We had a go at making our own cars except we had to use cocktail sticks, playdough and cheerios for wheels! It was very quick to make them and we had to work together as part of a team.

We have spent time in Maths consolidating our knowledge of money. As a class we have made small shops and use the money to pay for different items. We had a go at making our own money and making money people using the different coins.

To finish off our English this week, the children have had a go at writing their own adventure stories. We had a class character and they modified a vehicle, however as with Mrs Armitage something always goes wrong!

In life skills we spoke about having a positive mindset and affirmations to help us with our day. We put different poses to the sayings.

  • I am strong
  • I can achieve anything
  • I am supported
  • I am steady
  • I am powerful
  • I am important
  • I am brave
  • I am unique
  • I believe in myself

As the weather continues to stay warm (hopefully!) please remember to send the children in with a named sunhat.

Important reminders…

  • - Mrs Millard with be in class Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
  • - PE kit on Wednesday and Friday