Meerkats and Puppets!
Another week has just flown by and we can’t quite believe that we are fast approaching the end of Term 5! The children have, as always, been amazing and marvellous this week. We have seen so many acts of kindness, support for each other and enthusiasm and excitement for learning from the children – they have deservedly earnt an abundance of gems this week, they really are a super team!
In English, we have a new topic of The Big Five and we are looking at TJ Rob’s non-fiction book all about these wonderful animals. As we have only recently visited Noah’s Ark Zoo and finished our Kenya topic, the children have jumped straight in! We have found out many interesting facts about the animals – we went on a virtual safari, looked at lots of non-chronological reports and went on a fact-finding mission in teams. Next week the children will be writing their own non-chronological reports about the Big Five.
We used lots of resources in maths this week to consolidate and explain our fraction learning. The children all finding ½ and ¼ of a whole amount and telling me what this means. Next week we will be looking at time so any references made to clocks and time at home will be really helpful for the children.
We began our new DT topic – How to make a puppet? this week. The children looked at and tested various joining techniques before designing their own hand puppet. The have practise a running stitch using binca in preparation for the children sewing their puppet together next week. They have all really enjoyed the sewing activity and have already shown a real talent for it. Just check out the focus and concentration in the photos. Next week on Tuesday (14th) we will be sewing the puppets together (1.45 – 2.45pm). If you are free and would like to join us, please let me know via class email. No experience required – more a supportive role of rethreading needles and tying knots 😊
We are really lucky to have two volunteers who come in to listen to the children read each week and the children are so excited to read to our lovely adults Rhonda and Shirley. However not all of the children have their books with them. Please can you ensure that your child brings their reading book bag book to school every day. Also, you can support your child with their reading at home by following the RWI blog and accessing various videos.
Just a reminder, PE is on Monday (outside) and Wednesday (inside) can children please wear their PE kit to school on these days. If you are having trouble providing a PE kit, please do let me know as we do have some preloved kit available and the children can fully participate when wearing the correct clothing. Also, a letter regarding sports day has been issued this week.
Next week, I will be in class Tuesday, Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and Friday with Mrs Hughes taking Meerkat Class all day Monday and Wednesday morning. Ms Smith, our amazing TA will be with the class all week.
Wishing you all a lovely weekend – enjoy the fabulous sunshine!
Mrs Jeffery, Mrs Hughes and Ms Smith
Meerkat Class Team
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