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Maths, Minibeasts and lots of learning!

We have had another wonderful week in Zebra Class. The children are trying so hard and they are settling well into the new routines of Year 1. We are very proud of every single one of them!

In Maths this week, the children have been developing their counting skills. We have practised counting groups of objects accurately and have linked amounts to numerals and also number words. The children have also ordered numbers and found one more and one less than a given number. We have used tens frames and a range of concrete materials to helps us work practically. Have a look at the photos below to see some of us in action!

In English, we have been reading a wonderful story called 'The Bog Baby'. The children should be able to retell the first few paragraphs off by heart so maybe they can showcase this at home. We have looked at word meanings in the text, past and present verbs and have also worked hard to write sentences about Bog Baby and the story, using sentences with capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. We have tried hard to ensure we have the correct pencil grip and that our letters are correctly formed. We have used "Fred Talk" and "Fred Fingers" as strategies to help us with our spelling.

In Topic, we have been learning about habitats and the different homes for plants and animals. We have looked closely at local habitats (coastal, woodland, pond and urban) and have thought about what lives there and why. We went on a minibeast hunt around the school to see which creatures have chosen Westbury Infants as their habitat! We found lots of minibeasts hiding under logs, which are cool, dark, damp places. Back in the classroom, we have enjoyed using our "Bug Café" to make some disgusting, slimy meals such as slug sandwiches and spider soup! If you are feeling hungry, pop by!

The weather beat us on Tuesday so we were unable to have outdoor PE so instead we had a wonderful yoga session in the classroom and enjoyed some team building games.

We have started making a lovely big 'floor book' in RE. Inside so far, we have evidenced all the different ways we can show kindness to others.


This week, on Friday, your child will bring home a reading book (if they have not done so already) and their reading diary. Friday will be 'book change day' so please make sure it is returned next Friday so that we can issue your child with a new book. The book links to the reading your child is doing in their Read, Write Inc sessions. Please try to read at home as often as possible (and record it in your child's diary). Once you reach 30 reads, your child will receive a special prize :-)

I will look forward to seeing you all on Monday!

Mrs Rockey :-)