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Marvelous Motor Museum visit!

Panda Class have been working hard again this week finding out about ordering numbers, adding up using £ and p in maths.  In IT we have been starting a topic using Scratch Jr and finding out about how create a sequence of commands to change how our sprite moves.  Panda Class have also really enjoyed reading Mrs Armitage on wheels and were very creative in their design of new characters and new vehicles.  I cant wait to read their stories next week using their new characters and creations.  Finally we have been learning more interesting facts about how over time, cars have made it easier for people to travel for work and pleasure. We also learnt how Betha Benz, Carl Benz's wife,  introduced her husbands invention to the world and it changed our lives forever.  By the end of 1895 there were only up to 15 cars on the road in the whole of the UK but by 1969 there were over 10 million!.  Today we were fortunate enough to visit the Haynes Motor museum where the children got a chance to sit in a selection of different real and replica vehicles including a large American car which could seat up to 10; a formula 1 racing car; a tut tut and the Karl Benz Patented Motorwagen.  The children also experienced how to build a toy car and how much quicker it was when we tried building them on a production line, just like Henry Ford did when he manufactured the Model T.  It was a really fun day out and a great way to support and extend the children's knowledge and learning about who may have made the biggest difference in the development of the car industry.  


Panda class motor museum visit


Remember to keep up your fantastic effort in learning to read and have a lovely weekend.  x