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Marvellous Musical Meerkats!

  Wow – the term is flying by and the children have really settled into our class routines.  The ‘gem jar’ is filling up so hopefully we will have our class treat before the term finishes.

We have started our new book ‘Monkey Puzzle’ by Julia Donaldson in English.  We are having so much fun with it; acting out the story, writing character descriptions and drawing story maps.  My self and the team have been quite blown away with the fantastic learning and, with the increased confidence the children have in their writing.  Mrs Newbury was very impressed when she visited us in class and when some children took their finished work to show her!

In topic we have begun our new science learning ‘Who lives in the animal kingdom and what do they look like?’.  Just this week alone, we have grouped animals according to their classification, identified features and labelled body parts to see similarities and differences.  It has been great hearing all about what the children know already from their pets, visits to zoos and safari parks alongside TV programmes and books.  Here’s a link to a video they particularly enjoyed watching if you want to share it at home. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NNLb_gxN-o&t=1s

Music remain a firm favourite, and with a link to our science topic, this week we sang a song about a kookaburra bird.  We used our learning about tempo and the beat to first sing the song all together before splitting into two groups to sing it in a round.  We thought it might be a challenge but no – the marvellous musical Meerkats got in straight away and we have had so much fun singing the song and doing the actions.

In maths, we have been exploring number bonds to 10 and 20.  The children are using great maths vocabulary to explain their thinking and reason their answers.  Please continue to play board games, cards, and do counting activities to help develop these new skills.

We are very fortunate to have two volunteers who come in to read with Meerkats class each week so please do pop your child’s reading book back into their bag each day so they can share it with Shirley and Rhonda.  Book change day is Friday so please ensure your child has their reading book in school that day.  Here’s a link to the RWI blog to see resources to further support your child at home.  https://www.westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk/News/Friday-4th-October-2024/

A shout out for helpers:

  • We are looking for parents to help us walk to church for the harvest service on Monday 21stOctober.   Leaving school 1.40pm and back by the end of the school day.
  • Next term we will be visiting SS Great Britain on Friday 22nd November. If you are able to support our class by joining us as a helper on this trip please let myself or one of the team know asap.  Thank you.

Next week, I will be in class every day with our wonderful TAs, Mrs Allen and Miss Smith. We also have Miss Turner, Bath Spa Student Teacher, in class too. 

Wishing you all a very happy and relaxing weekend! 

Mrs Jeffery, Miss Turner, Mrs Allen and Ms Smith

Class email – class3@westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk