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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Marvellous Meerkats!

Welcome to the Meerkat Class blog - what a marvellous first week Meerkat Class have had.  They have all settled into the new routines like ducks to water, and have proved themselves to be a real team- just like their class namesakes!  Myself and the Meerkat Team are very proud of them – Keep it up Marvellous Meerkats!

We have shared and enjoyed a number of stories together over the week.   We began by reading ‘Meerkat Mail’ by Emily Gravett.  We used the text as inspiration to write some fantastic postcards just like Sunny did in the story. We also dipped into science using meerkat Sunny to classify what meerkats eat for dinner and what is a predator for them – who would have though a scorpion could be a tasty treat!  You can share the story at home with your child using the following link.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUrirZTGwG8

In Maths, we are learning about place value and have been using lots of different resources to count and sort objects. We have practised ordering numbers and used resources to match objects to their value. 

In English, we are reading ‘The Bog Baby’ by Jeanne Willis.  The children have been amazing at retelling the start of the story using picture prompts.  I am sure they will share this with you if you ask.  You can share the story using the following link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVmPyjdxK6c

Our Topic in science this term is ‘Who lives here and why?’.  We have begun by identifying whether an object is living, dead or never been alive.  There was some great discussion when deciding which group to place objects in and super teamwork when sorting objects.  We have looked at different habitats from around the world and the children again worked together to demonstrate their knowledge. 

The children have been put into their new RWI groups and Book Bag reading books will be going home next week for you to share with your children.  Please do visit the RWI blog to access resources to support your child.  If your child is unsure of their group, please do ask one of the Meerkats Class Team and we will let you know.

PE is on Mondays (outdoors) and Wednesdays (indoors) for Meerkat Class and children will need to come to school in their PE kit on those days:

  • A plain white t-shirt
  • Black shorts (or joggers for outdoor PE)
  • Plimsolls (daps)

 Please ensure that your child’s uniform, including hats and lunchboxes, are labelled – it really does make it easier to identify and reunite children and their belongings.  Thank you 😊

We have an optional drop in session on Wednesday 13th September for you to come into class and meet the team.  The session will be from 3.15pm – 3.45pm.  It would be great to see you if you can come.

Next week, Mrs Jeffery will be in class Tuesday, Thursday and Friday with Mrs Watts taking Meerkat Class on Wednesday and Mrs Sainsbury (supply) covering the class on Monday.  Ms Smith will be with the class all week.

Wishing you all a very happy and relaxing sunny weekend! 

Mrs Jeffery, Mrs Watts and Ms Smith