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Marvellous Meerkat Learning

Wow the weeks are just flying by.  The whole of the Meerkat Team has been so impressed with all the children.  They have really bonded as a new class and we love their enthusiasm and energy, which was seen in abundance during the discothon on Friday.  Some of the pictures may be a bit blurry – the children were moving very fast!

In English, we continued to use The Bog Baby to inspire our writing and the children have written some fantastic sentence all about their poorly Bog Baby and what they did to make him better.  We finished the week by creating our own Bog baby and writing some facts about him.   The children have focussed on their sentence structures making sure they include capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.

We also finished our Science topic of ‘Who lives here and why?’ this week.  The children demonstrated all their new knowledge, learnt over the past few weeks, through pictures and writing.  We enjoyed a well done ‘walk and look’ whereby the children all shared their learning in the end of topic piece with each other.

We were very fortunate to have our lovely reader visitor join us again this week and she listened to many of the children read.  Please ensure that your child, has their reading journal and book bag book in school every day. Reading books in all RWI groups are changed and sent home on Fridays. 

In maths, The Year 1 children have been using the resources to order numbers and explain how they know they have ordered the numbers correctly.  I have heard some great maths vocabulary and the children have worked fantastically in their pairs.  The Year 2 children have been counting on in steps 2,5,10 and 3s.  They have used lots of different resources to support them, spot patterns and be able to tell me ‘How they know’ what comes next.

Reverend Rebecca from All Saints Church visited us this week.  She spoke to the children all about kindness and shared the story of The Good Samaritan with the children.    The children shared their learning from our RE lessons with her and were able to explain that everyone is our neighbour.  In our RE lesson we listened to the parable of The Paralysed Man.  The children then in groups, retold the story in a comic strip style.  All drawing a part of the story to create a finished group piece.  Again, fantastic team work and collaboration.

In PE, the children practised their throwing skills.  The had to first aim, then decide whether to throw over or under arm, before deciding on how much force to use to reach the targets which were further and further away from them.   There was lots of team encouragement and cheers for hitting targets!

We have class trip to Westonbirt Arboretum on Tuesday.  We will be leaving school at 9am sharp and returning by 3pm.  The children will be outside all day so please ensure they are dressed appropriately in comfortable trousers and their school jumper/ cardigan.  The will need to wear suitable footwear for the woodland (wellies or trainers) and a waterproof coat.  All children will be provided with a packed lunch and bottle of water, but they will need a small backpack to carry everything in.  We are really looking forward to the trip and thank you in advance to all our parent helpers who are supporting us on this trip.

It is now getting a little chillier so please ensure that your child has a coat in school with them.  Also, our Monday PE session is an outside session so please send your child in wearing appropriate PE kit.  Joggers and a school sweatshirt is suitable.

Reminder: Please label all school uniform, especially sweatshirts and cardigans.  Understandably, sometimes children pick up the wrong cardigan or sweatshirt, may I please ask you to check that the sweatshirt or cardigan that has gone home this weekend is your child’s as a named cardigan has gone missing.  Thank you.

Parents evening is next Tuesday and Wednesday, almost everyone has already signed up for an appointment, if you haven’t I will be outside the classroom on Monday morning and afternoon with the list.   Thank you.

Next week, Mrs Jeffery will be in class Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday morning, Thursday and Friday with Mrs Watts taking Meerkat Class on Wednesday afternoon. Ms Smith, our fantastic TA, will be with the class all week.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Jeffery, Mrs Watts and Ms Smith

Meerkat Class Team