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Leopards leaping back into another term!

Hope you had a lovely half term break. The children have come back in ready to learn and have done exactly this.

We started a new History topic all all Guy Fawkes and the gunpower plot. The children learned of the events, acted it out, decorated around the well known poem of all things bonfire night, used sources to prove different statements, and decided whether they thought Guy Fawkes was a hero or a villian.

In English, we carried on thinking about fireworks by looking at lots of different poems, in out new book 'Zim Zam Zoom'. We learned and performed poems in small groups and thought about lots of different sights and sounds associated with fireworks night. 

Maths has been all about recognising numbers beyond 20. First, they identified numbers to 100 on the hundred square and counted forwards and backwards. We have used the base 10 resources to support our understanding of partioning 2-digit numbers and the children have secured their understanding pictorially and physically with the resources.

We were treated to a musical surprise on Thursday, when a folk duo came into school and performed a sea shanty and a folk piece for the children.  They brought in a variety of instruments, some of which the children heard in our music lessons last term. 

This week your child will have bought home their Christmas card design. Please follow the instructions to order any you would like.

Don’t forget to check out the RWI blog to support with reading at home. If you are unsure of your child’s group, please come and ask.


Miss McMillan and the Leopard Class team :)



-Mrs Rous will be covering Leopard class on Friday and will continue to do so every other Friday for Miss McMillan's planning time.

-We have a change in PE days, they are now Monday (indoor) and Friday (outdoor).

-Children in Need is on Friday.