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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Just Marvellous!

It was lovely to see you all this week at Parent’s evening and share how well the children have settled into class, the new school year and to share their fantastic learning with you. It will be no surprise for you to hear that the Marvellous Meerkats filled their gem jar this week and chose extra playtime as their special treat.  Well done Meerkats – what fabulous start you have made to the year!

I mentioned the RWI blog during our parent meetings, explaining that it has many resources to support your child in their reading journey.  Here’s the link for this week’s blog. https://www.westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk/News/Friday-18th-October-2024/

Please do also check out Oxford Owl, login details are in your child’s reading journal.  Lots of resources and books to share together.

We may be approaching the end of the term but the Meerkats are still busy growing their brains and working hard with their learning.  In English, we began our new book ‘Superworm’ by Julia Donaldson.  We have met the kind and helpful Superworm and the unkind Lizard.  The children have re-enacted the story with puppets, identified rhyming words and written similes – next week we will be creating a wanted poster about the Lizard Wizard. We have even introduced some singing into the story.  Here’s a link to the story so you can share it at home. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Jnk3XApKBg

In Maths we have explored subtraction, we have used ‘first, then and now’ stories to help us understand the concept alongside the resources; tens frames, number lines and part, part whole models. It has been wonderful to see the Year 1 and 2 children work collaboratively developing their understanding with the resources before recording their calculations.  The children’s digit formation is really improving - keep up the practice.

We have continued learning about animals, including humans in Science and this week we identified and labelled body parts – some children volunteered to be the model and their group labelled them - great team work as always. We then identified our 5 senses and discussed what each of their functions are.  We thought about how our senses work together especially if we lose one of our senses. The children have been so enthusiastic with their learning – even teaching me new things during our discussions!

As we have enjoyed singing our songs so much in music this term, we visited Mrs Bayley and Wallaby class on Monday to sing ‘Kookaburra’ for them.  The children were amazing all singing and doing the actions that we had added.  Wallaby class were very impressed and I am so proud of the Musical Meerkats for their star performance!

During our outdoor PE sessions, the children have been developing their ball skills, focussing on accuracy, and ways of controlling the ball.  It has been great to see the children increase their confidence, work together and support each other when practising these new skills.  What a wonderful team you are!

Dates for the diary:

  • Harvest Festival Service - Monday 21stOctober.   You are all welcome to join us at the church at 2pm.  For those walking with us, we will be leaving school 1.35pm and be back by the end of the school day.
  • Parent celebration event – Wednesday 23rd October. You are very welcome to join us in class at 2.30pm for a craft activity.

Just a reminder, as the weather has begun to turn chilly, please ensure that your child has a waterproof coat in school with them each day. 

Next week, I will be in class Monday – Wednesday with our wonderful TA, Mrs Allen.

Wishing you all a very happy and relaxing weekend! 

Mrs Jeffery, Mrs Allen and Ms Smith. 

Class email – class3@westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk