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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Jumping, music and science

This week, we have continued our work on Monkey Puzzle and have been retelling the story. The children have used adjectives and conjunctions to extend their sentences and have been working hard with our capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. As you can see from the pictures of some of the work, the children did a fantastic job!

A highlight of the week was on Monday, where we learned, sang and danced to 'Oranges and Lemons'. As you can see, the children loved it!

We have been focusing on our jumping in our PE lessons, we spoke about what makes a good jump- bending our legs, swinging our arms and having bent knees and light feet to land. We used ladders and spots to practise jumping high, far and side to side.

As part of our Maths, we have been continuing our work on addition and writing fact families. They told first, then and now stories and then wrote calculations to match. The year 2 children jumped on a numberline to show additions and they have all showed amazing doubling skills.

In science, we have continued looking at classifying the animals and why they belong there. We have been using the most amazing scientific language. This week we looked at what the animals eat and sorting them into the correct groups. We also became real scientist when we looked at clues to help us identify which animals had been in the classroom.  

We are looking for parents to help us walk to church for the harvest service on Monday 21st October.



  • Parents Evening- Tuesday 15th and Wednesday 16th October
  • PARENT EVENT – Wednesday 23rd October


Hope you have a lovely weekend.

Miss McMillan and the Leopard Class team :)