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Jumping back into learning!

What a great start to the term the marvellous Meerkats have had with new topics in English, Maths, Topic – Art, PE and RE.

The children shared the story of The Last Wolf in English.  We used the text to create a character description, to compare the story to another and finished the week writing our own book reviews!  The children have really enjoyed reading all about Little Red so here is the link if you would like to share it at home.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18ZEpSe9t7w

It was all about length and height this week in Maths.  The children were very busy measuring all sorts of objects from around the classroom, from glue sticks to lolly sticks, from pencils to books.  They used cubes to find the longest and shortest before moving onto using rulers.  The Year 2 children were introduced to a meter ruler and compared the length and height of different object around the room.

We visited the library on Tuesday and the children all choose a book to take home.   New reading books will continue to be sent home each Friday but you can also use the Oxford Owl log in to access and share books online. Let me know if you require a copy of your child’s log in details. Please continue to support your child with their phonics and reading by reading daily with your child and visiting the RWI blog, please follow the link.  https://www.westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk/News/Friday-23rd-February-2024-23022024202949/

Henri Rousseau is our inspiration for Art this term.  We have found out some interesting facts about this this French artist and the children have sketched leaves and animals just like Rousseau in preparation for a mixed media collage later in the term.  It was fantastic to see the children draw their chosen animal and then think about how they could improve it before giving it another go.  They used pictures and small world animals to ensure all details were included in their sketch.  We also listened to some traditional French music whilst we sketched to imagine we were Rousseau himself!

Our PE topic is ‘dance’ this term and we began by creating shapes, initially using the starting letter of our name, to then small shapes, big shapes and finally putting it all together to create a sequence of shapes to music.  As the pictures show, some very creative shapes were made.

This term we will be changing our Wednesday PE day but only for this term.   So, for Term 4, we will have outdoor PE on Monday and indoor PE on Tuesday. Please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kit on these days.  

  • A plain white t-shirt
  • Black shorts / joggers for outdoor PE
  • Children can wear their school sweatshirt or cardigan
  • Plimsolls (daps)

 Next week, I will be in class all week along with Miss Smith, our amazing TA. 

Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

Mrs Jeffery, Mrs Hughes and Ms Smith

Meerkat Class Team

Our class email is class3@westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk