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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

It is all about Teamwork!

The term is flying by but it was still another great week for the marvellous Meerkats.  It is amazing to see how much they have grown, learnt, explored and progressed since September.  Whilst they are a mix of two separate year groups then are most definitely just one class. However, saying that, the Year 2 children have begun their transition and this week with a visit the Junior School as part of their transition programme.  There will be having more visits as the term progresses. Please follow the link for the letter which was sent with all transition details.


We have continued with our unit of money in maths.  The Year 1 children have been looking at coin values and calculating and comparing amounts of coins.  The Year 2 children have been adding and subtracting amounts using coins and notes.  We finished the week with our in-class vegetable stall and shop.  Playing shops with some loose change at home is a great way for the children to consolidate the skills they have been learning.

In English, inspired by the adventurous Mrs Armitage, the children have written their own adventure stories.  Scooters have been modified with electric flashing wheels, microphones, seats, baskets for snacks and even a horn or bell!  To share the original story at home, follow the link  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BL_JIl9V16s

We reached the end of our history topic ‘Cars’ this week too.  The children looked at how cars were and now are powered and the importance of the production line within the car industry before showing off all their learning with a mind map.  The extra photos from the trip are on the blog this week.

The children have been developing and perfecting their musical skills with the ocarinas, I think it is not long before they will be able to play ‘Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star’ in full. 

In computing, we have been using the Scratch programme to create an animated sequence.  The children have learnt how to create a sprite character, change backgrounds, add speech and move their character.   We have been learning together in partner groups and they children have worked so well, taking turns, supporting each other and having fun.

PE was all about teamwork too.  The challenge was to transfer items from one side of the hall to the other with a variety of passes, which they have learnt over the year.  Again, it was fantastic to see the Meerkats all working together, so focussed and supportive of each other.  It is no surprise that the gem jar is filling up fast!

The sunshine is finally with us, please ensure that your child has a sunhat in school every day.  Also, please can children wear their PE kit to school on Monday and Wednesday.

Keep up the reading, we can see how much progress the children are making and your support is very much appreciated.  Some of the children changed groups this week so please do check with one of the team if you are unsure of which video links to follow on the RWI blog.

Next week, I will be in class all week with Miss Smith, our amazing TA.  We look forward to seeing all the children on Monday. 

Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

Mrs Jeffery, Mrs Hughes and Ms Smith

Meerkat Class Team

Our class email is class3@westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk