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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Isambard Kingdom Brunel

It has been another fantastic week in Zebra Class. The children have especially enjoyed starting our brand new history topic, learning about the achievements of the famous Victorian engineer, Isambard Kingdom Brunel. We looked at different sources of information and acted as inquisitive historians to find out as much as possible about him. We soon found out that sources of information from the past (photos, paintings, memorial plaques, statues) can tell us some information, but not everything we might want to know! The children cannot wait to visit the SS Great Britain next week, another one of Brunel's amazing masterminds.

In Maths, the children have started to consolidate their understanding of partitioning a 2 digit number into tens and ones. The children have used Base 10, Tens Frames and Part-Whole models to help them understand partitioning practically and visually.  

In English, we have been concentrating on using alliteration and adjectives to write a wonderful firework poem. The children have been using their Fred Fingers to really focus on spelling. 

In RE we have been looking at the Christmas story and had a go at working in groups to retell the story. We have started to make our own stick puppets of the different characters in the story. 



Bag2School collection - Friday

PE Tuesday and Wednesday

Library Books due: Monday