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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Honeybees Friday 7th June

What a wonderful week we have had in Honeybees! 

We kick started the week with the story of What the Ladybird Heard at the Seaside by Julia Donaldson. The children enjoyed the story and remembered characters that made a reappearance from the first book What the Ladybird Heard. We spoke about what we may see, hear, smell and taste at the seaside and used our ideas to write our own stories as the week progressed. The children had fantastic ideas and were quite the storytellers.

In math's this week we have been learning what it means to double a number. We spotted that we were adding the same number again to make a new total. The children enjoyed making beautiful ladybirds with double spots and created colourful wings for butterflies by doubling a number given to them. 

Our PSHE session this week focused on what our facial expressions may be for certain feelings and how our bodies may feel too. We spoke about when we may be happy, sad, tired, worried and proud. The children had fantastic examples for these emotions and named the expressions on faces given to them with confidence.

Our week was finished off with our Grandparent Event on Friday afternoon. The children had lots of fun with their grandparents joining in with a very exciting bucket session, tea party and having the opportunity to show off their beautiful artwork. Thank you to all the grandparents that came along, it was really special to have you be part of our class for the afternoon. 

A real highlight this week has been how much collaborative play we have seen. The children have shared beautifully, helped each other and encouraged others to play. It really has been so wonderful for the adults to see friendships blossom. 

Have a wonderful weekend Honeybees!

Honeybees 7-06-24