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Honeybees Friday 5th July

We have had a fun filled week in Honeybee Class packed full of wonderful interaction, play and spicy sandwiches.

In English this week the children really enjoyed listening to the story The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch by Ronda and David Armitage. The children learnt how the lighthouse keeper and his wife came up with very inventive ways to stop the hungry seagulls eating the delicious lunch made every day. The children found it very funny that the seagulls decided to make mustard sandwiches. After reading the story the children had great fun making their own spicy mud and slug snot sandwiches. They listened to instructions well and were very proud of their own sandwich creations, sure to keep the pesky seagulls away. In addition to this they sequenced the story and then finished the story themselves by creating their own ending of the story filled with beautiful illustrations.

In math's this week the children have been learning to make totals to 20p using 1p coins. They learnt what coins looked like, paid for items in our shop and learnt that we can buy two items using 1p coins to make a new total. 

In our topic lessons we have focused on turn taking in our life skills, following a beat using musical instruments and creating our very own beaches using sand, water, junk modelling and sea creatures.

We have been very proud of the children this week, they have taken on their learning with such enthusiasm and positivity, they continue to amaze us every day. Well done Honeybees!

Honeybees 5/7/24