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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Honeybees Friday 3rd May 2024

What a wonderful week we have had in Bumblebees Class!  The week started with a visit from Cooper the therapy dog. The children really enjoyed his visit, they were very gentle with him, helped to brush him and enjoyed stroking him. Cooper will visit the children every Monday afternoon for around 20 minutes. We discovered that he really enjoys stories so we shall choose a special story to read ready for his next visit.

Our story focus this week has been reading a variety of the, 'That's not my,' books, by Fiona Watt. The children focused on using words to describe textures, they went on a texture walk with their own texture spotter, read the stories and chose their own describing words they then made their very own page from the book with their choice of character and describing word.  

In math's we learnt how to make the number 10 in a variety of ways. We learnt that we could make the total by splitting 10 into a two or three groups. We initially found this really hard, but the children's resilience really shined through as did their confidence as the week went on. Well done Honeybees!

Have a wonderful long weekend all, we will see you all on Tuesday.