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Honeybees Friday 28th June

Wow! What a colourful week we have had in Honeybee Class!

We have been busy this week in English learning all about the story Grandmas Beach by Rosalind Beardshaw. This is a wonderful story all about a little girl who is unable to go to the beach as planned with her mummy. She goes to her grandmas house and has the most exciting day recreating a day at the beach. During our English lessons the children listened to seaside sounds and identified them well, they also discussed what they could see in the pictures, how they thought the main characters were feeling at different points throughout the story and we had fantastic discussions about the seaside, what we may see, hear, smell and taste. The children made fantastic ice creams of their own, looked at pictures of the beach and spoke about what they could see, they then created their very own seaside pictures.

In math's this week we have continued to embed our understanding of subtraction. The children made towers of given totals and then subtracted amounts up to 10. They realised that when they subtract their total is less than what they started with. 

In addition to this we have focused on sun safety in our life skills lessons. We looked at what we must do to keep ourselves safe in the sun. The children were interested to look at the pictures and discuss what was safe and unsafe and why. Some thoughtful answers to questions were given by all the children, well done!

Our busy week was finished with a fantastic colour run. The children had to complete several colourful laps of our trim trail. It was so wonderful to see all the children take part with such enthusiasm. Super team work Honeybees! Thank you to everyone that supported this event.  All the money raised goes into funding the amazing school trips we offer.

Have a wonderful weekend all!