Honeybees Friday 27th September
What a brilliant week we have had in Honeybee Class!
The children have focused on a selection of Spot the Dog stories by Eric Hill. They have enjoyed predicting what will happen next, drawing their very own Spot character and creating their very own dog out of playdough. In our small world areas the children enjoyed hiding animals just like Spot hides, naming them and making homes for them. It was wonderful to see the children enjoying the story and reenacting it.
In addition to this the children have focused on accurate finger counting to 5 through the help of nursery rhymes, use of counters, counting bears or Numicon. They have tried very hard and are beginning to show accuracy as they count. In addition to this some children have been focusing on counting on from given numbers to 100 as well as addition using a range of numbers, they have used place value counters to help them add tens then ones to find the total. Well done Honeybees!
Finally the children had a blast in PE this week as they focused on catching, throwing and balancing balloons as well as dancing their socks off for the Discothon. Thank you to all our families who have sponsored their children for the Discothon, your support is very much appreciated.
Next week we will be focusing on the story Funnybones and learning all about what a doctors role is. In addition to this we will be introducing the children to some new songs in our rhyme time. The links can be found below.
Have a wonderful weekend Honeybee Class!
Rhyme links:
Makaton - FIVE CURRANT BUNS - Singing Hands (youtube.com)
Makaton - SKIDAMARINK - Singing Hands (youtube.com)
Honeybees 27/9/24