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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Honeybees Friday 24th May 2024

We have come to the end of another fantastic term in Honeybee Class and we want to take this opportunity to say how proud we are of all the children. We have seen fantastic cooperative play, turn taking, super listening skills and all of the children have worked so hard - well done Honeybees!

We had a super time taking part in our Sports Day, the children took part in all of the activities, they cheered each other on and worked so well as a team. Thank you for coming along and supporting your child, we hope you enjoyed watching them.

In English this week we have focused on the story, 'Giraffes Can't Dance,' by Giles Andreae. The children thought about how Gerald may have been feeling as he got up to dance in front of his jungle friends and they laughed at him and how he felt at the end of the story when he found his confidence with help from a friend. The children also made giraffe paintings of their own, they matched different animals to their animal prints, made playdough jungle animals and learnt all about the animals that live in the Congo Rainforest.

In math's this week we focused on 2D shapes, how many sides they have and their names. The children made shape pictures of their own, copied shape pictures by following instructions and showed a good understanding of the 2D shapes circle, square, rectangle and triangle.

Have a fantastic half term break, we look forward to seeing you on Monday 3rd June.

Honeybees 24-05-24