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Honeybees Friday 21st June

What a busy week we have had in Honeybee Class!

Our week started with some very exciting news as we looked in our butterfly net to find all five of our caterpillars had transformed in butterflies ready to be released. We made our way to our outdoor area and watched in anticipation as all five of our butterflies made their way out of the net. The children were very excited to see them hop out of the habitat and fly away. We spotted that each one looked slightly different as their wing size and patterns were clear to see.

In English this week we have focused on the story Commotion in the Ocean written by Giles Andreae. The children talked about sea creatures they could see in the text. They were able to name them and describe the sea creatures by colour, how many tentacles they had and what creatures they liked. The children created some fantastic sea creatures of their own by using straws to blow paint to create beautiful patterns and made a fish of their own by adding all the parts of the body the creature needed. 

In maths this week we have been learning to add from a given number. The children were very good at adding on accurately and became very confident at counting out the new total. their concentration was fantastic, well done Honeybees!

On Thursday the children visited Boscombe Beach. They had a fantastic time paddling in the ocean, jumping giant waves, digging and playing in the sand. They finished their trip with an ice lolly to cool off as the weather was fantastic. Thank you to all of the adults that came and supported, without you the trip wouldn't have been possible.

Have a fantastic weekend everybody, long may the sunshine continue!

Honeybees 21-6-24