Honeybees Friday 15th March
In Honeybees Class this week the children have continued their learning about plants with a new story called The Extraordinary Gardener by Sam Boughton. Using inspiration from the story they had lots of fun creating tall beanstalks and fantasy animal paintings. Their imaginations are fantastic!
In math's, alongside recapping ordering heights, the children have learnt to accurately count totals up to 20, really making sure they count carefully and checking their answers.
In our mark making and writing sessions this week we have worked on a 1:1 basis to support the children to accurately copy patterns given to them and use the Read Write Inc rhymes to support their formation of letters. We are so pleased to see that the children are starting to write words using their phonics knowledge.
In PE this week the children focused on their balancing skills, looking closely at how to careful walk across beams keeping their balance and travelling at different heights.
Science has seen us look at the different parts of a plant and their functions. After learning all about them they then went on to make their own.
Thank you to all our families who have supported Red Nose Day this year and sent their children into school today wearing something red or given a donation, it is very much appreciated.
Well done Honeybees, have a lovely weekend!
Parents evenings - Tuesday 19th March (Mr Mould) or Wednesday 20th March (Miss Hackeson)
Clothes - Please can we ask that all children come to school with a spare set of clothes. If your child has come home in a spare set of clothes please can these be returned as we are running low. Also can all school clothes be named as we often take jumpers and cardigans off and it can be difficult to ensure that these get returned to the correct child.
Toys - Please can we ask that the children do not come to school with any toys or possessions from home as we would hate for them to get lost or broken.
Sweets - We have had a couple of children come to school with sweets this week either in their lunchbox, book bag or in their coat pockets. Can we ask that sweets are left at home as they are not allowed in school. Thank you.