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Honeybees Friday 14th June

We have had a fantastic week in Bumblebee Class which kick started with the transformation from chrysalis to butterfly for two of our caterpillars. The children were very excited to see that they had transformed and were eager to make sure we fed the butterflies, they have joined us for snack all week enjoying bits of fresh fruit and sugar water. Since the beginning of the week two more have transformed, we aim to release them on Monday once their wings are dry and strong enough. 

In English this week we focused on the story Sully the Seahorse by Natalie Pritchard. It tells the tale of a little seahorse who feels he is not quite good enough to win races or dance like all the other sea animals. Then one day a diver tries to catch Sully and he manages to camouflage to keep safe. Sully then realises he has his own special talent. During our English lessons we looked at words that rhyme, how Sully felt at the beginning and end of the story, retold the story in our own words and made our very own sea creatures and described them. We were very proud of the children and their engagement with the story this week, they had fantastic ideas and enjoyed talking about the text.

In math's we have been working really hard to accurately count out totals to 20. The children were taught to physically move objects slowly as they counted them and recheck their answer once they had finished. They really improved their accuracy as the week progress, spotting mistakes and fixing them.

In our topic session we linked in our key text for English and were absolutely fascinated to watch other animals camouflage such as chameleons. In our life skills session we looked at special talents the children have and celebrated these. In addition to this, in our PE session we had fun learning how to control a ball, keeping it close to our bodies. We then used our skills to help us to catch a ball and dribble a ball slowly keeping control of it at all times.

Well done Honeybees! Have a super weekend.

Important information:

Thursday 20th June - Trip to Boscombe Beach

Friday 21st June - Non School Uniform Day £1 Donation please/YR cake sale to take place on the playground.

Friday 28th June -Colour run - children to come dress in bright coloured clothes


Honeybees 14-6-24