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Honeybees Friday 10th May

We have had a busy week this week in Honeybee Class focusing on all things linked the the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff. The children enjoyed listening to different versions of the story and had lots of fun acting out the story, they were fantastic trolls and goats trying to pass the bridge safely. The children became really familiar with the story and enjoyed making their very own bridges for the goats to pass, they worked together with their peers to make tall and long bridges using a range of construction materials. In addition to this they painted their own trolls, collaged them and made them from playdough.

In math's this week we focused on making addition facts practically using blocks, animals and bugs. The children are beginning to understand what the + symbol and = symbol mean and began to show confidence when creating their own addition sentences that total 10. 

In our writing sessions we focused on writing numbers 4 and 5 accurately. The children looked really carefully at how they should hold their pencil and are showing increasing accuracy in their number formation.

We have been very proud of the children during snack time this week. They have been given a choice of three or four different healthy snacks such as crackers, fruit, bread sticks and cereals. All of the children sat together, waited their turn, told us their choice and tried something new for their snack this week. Well done Honeybees!

Have a wonderful weekend all!

Important reminders

  • Class photographs -  Thursday 16th May