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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Honeybee Class Friday 6th September

Welcome back to a brand new year and a huge welcome to our new families that have joined Honeybee Class. We have had a fantastic start to Term 1 getting to know each other, having lots of fun exploring the resources in the classroom and getting familiar with our classroom routines. We are extremely proud of all the children and how well they have settled into what is a new environment for them. You are all superstars! 

Next week we will be learning to sing the story Pete The Cat - Rocking in My School Shoes by Eric Litwin. We will continue to learn where to find resources we want to explore, learn to sign using Makaton to the song The Wheels on The Bus, paint pictures of ourselves at school, start our dough discos, alongside lots of fun Attention Bucket sessions.

We will also have focus Makaton signs for the week. Next week our signs are drink, food, yes/no, toilet, nappy, mummy and daddy. We will put these on the door to our outdoor area for parents to look at but they can also be found at the bottom of the page. Please feel free to use these at home with your children.

Important information:

PE - This will be every Friday. Please can the children come to school in their PE clothes. We are inside for PE this term so daps or trainers are fine.

Named uniform - Please can we ask that every item of clothing/shoes etc are named as we want to ensure every item of clothing is given back to the correct child, thank you.

Seesaw - We will be using Seesaw to document your child's learning. Please can I ask that you sign the letter handed out and return it so we can set your child up if you wish. I aim to get links sent to you via email so you are able to access your child's log over the next day or so. This letter still applies to children who are returning to Honeybees this year. 

Signs of the Week

Week 1 - /docs/makaton.pdf