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Honeybee Class Friday 13th September

Wow! What a fantastic week we have had in Bumblebee Class getting to know each other and becoming familiar with our class routines. It has been wonderful to see friendships start to blossom alongside turn taking and sharing, well done Honeybee Class!

We have focused largely this week on encouraging the children to join in with familiar nursery rhymes to help them gain confidence in expressing themselves in a new setting. The children have loved our rhyme time and have become quite the experts at singing and signing songs such as The Wheels on the Bus, 5 Little Monkeys, Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes and a new song I left my Boat. Links for these can be found at the bottom of this page.

In addition to this we have had lots of fun painting pictures of our own face, looking closely in a mirror to spot features on our face, such as our eye colour and hair colour. The children enjoyed looking at themselves and chose colours carefully.

A real highlight for this week was our PE session on Friday. It was wonderful to see the children listening carefully to the PE coach and trying so hard to join in with what they were being shown. The children were excellent!

Next week we will be continuing our topic theme of Marvellous Me and celebrating who is in our family. We will read stories about families, look at pictures of our own families and make our own family photo albums. In addition to this we will be introducing the children to a new part of our daily routine called Dough Disco. Your child will also come home with a book to read for pleasure and a reading diary. We welcome your support in spending time reading these books with your children, please feel free to write in the diary when you have read with your child and indeed any other books you are reading at home. It is always helpful to know what books your child enjoys reading.

Well done Honeybee Class, we couldn't be prouder of how well your first full week has gone, you are all superstars!

Have a wonderful weekend all!

Links to songs:

Makaton - THE WHEELS ON THE BUS - Singing Hands (youtube.com)

Makaton - I LEFT MY BOAT OUT IN THE BAY - Singing Hands (youtube.com)

Makaton - FIVE LITTLE MONKEYS SWINGING IN A TREE - Singing Hands (youtube.com)

Mr Tumble Songs | Head, shoulders, knees and Toes | Mr Tumble and Friends (youtube.com)

Honeybees 13/9/ final