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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Honeybee Class 11th October 2024

Our Honeybee's have had a busy week focusing on the story Brown Bear, Brown Bear by Bill Martin Jr and Eric Carle. The children have enjoyed learning the song that accompanies the story (please see link below). We have focused on ordering the story, naming the colours and the animals. They have all really enjoyed this story and created story maps, brown bears of their own and playdough animals of their own.

In maths this week we have been learning about patterns. We started the week by looking at patterns on items such as fabrics and then went on to learn that a pattern is a repeated sequence. We have made patterns using cotton reels, shapes, coloured sorting bears and natural resources such as pine cones and leaves. The children enjoyed playing interactive games where they had to guess what the next part of the pattern was. The children have worked really hard and become more confident at continuing patterns as the week has progressed.

In PE this week the children had great fun balancing from a range of different heights. They walked across different shaped beams, tried hard to hold on to balloons whilst balancing and learned to jump safely from a small height. 

Well done Honeybee Class, you all make us so proud each day!

Have a great weekend,

Honeybee Team


Important Information

Monday 14th October - Parents Evening 3.30pm - 5.00pm

Tuesday 15th October - Little City Visit at WCP

Thursday 17th October - Parents Evening 3.30pm - 6.30pm

Wednesday 23rd October 2.30pm - At Westbury Infants we love to invite our parents each term to celebrate their child's learning. This term in Honeybees we would love our parents to come and take part in Rhyme Time with their children and have fun exploring how to make a range of play doughs as these are firm favourites in Honeybee Class. 

Link to Brown Bear, Brown Bear - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7tvOtt1itA