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Happy New Year Zebras

Welcome back everyone, has it only been 1 week? I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and are ready for a new term of learning.

The children have really emersed themselves into our new topic and have loved exploring the different materials around us. They have been identifying materials around our school on a materials hunt and have thought about the properties of these materials. We really enjoyed experimenting with materials to see if their shape could be changed and asking lots of scientific questions.

We have also begun a new theme in P.E and have been exploring gym shapes. This week we learnt a tuck, pike and straddle position.

Please look at some of our lovely photos from this week below.

We have been reading the book Lost and Found which can be watched at the website below. Can i remind you it is our library day on Wednesdays so please bring the library book in on that day so we can swap it.

Have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to seeing you all next week.