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Happy Holidays Marvellous Meerkats!

Dear Meerkat Class,

As this is our last blog of the year I just wanted to write it to you and say how very proud I am of each and every one of you and thank you for a brilliant year.  And what a year you have had. You arrived as a mixed class last September but quickly became one – The Marvellous Meerkats!  It was fantastic to watch you all have so much fun today at your reward playtime, finishing the year as team; the water team!!  What a mischievous bunch you are – you soaked me!

Looking back through the photos of the year I can’t quite believe all you have done and achieved.  You have certainly been very busy growing your brains and keeping me on my toes with all of your questions and thoughts about the world around us.  You have shown such enthusiasm for all of your learning and developed resilience along the way too – as you reminded me today ‘It’s ok to make a mistake, we can just fix it.’

We have enjoyed many trips and you have all behaved so well on each and every one of them – you’re are a credit to our school and your families.  I would also like to take the opportunity here to thank your parents and adults, for their continued support throughout the year and especially with their engagement with all of the parent events and trips.  A big thank you to all who joined us on our trips (they could not go ahead without this support) and with our walks to swimming and the church. It has been very much appreciated and we are very much looking forward to you joining us in class on Monday for our last parent event of the year.

Monday 22nd July - 2.30-3.15pm Parent celebration

I feel so lucky to have been your teacher and play a part in your learning journey this year.  You truly are a joyful bunch!  Your kindness shines through every day, you work as a team and you support each other in all you do, always showing respect and consideration to each other – such beautiful qualities to have. Keep doing this next year, be it at WIS or the Juniors. 

On that note, it is going to be really hard to say goodbye to the Year 2 children next week.  We will miss you so very much but we know you are ready for the new adventures ahead.  Good luck as you move into Year 3, remember ‘You are all amazing – keep shining and sparkling’ and do come back and visit us! 

The Year 2 children have their Graduation Ceremony on Wednesday 24th at 2.15pm.  The event will be held at the Westbury Community Project (next to the school).  We look forward to seeing you there. 

I look forward to welcoming the Year 1 children back in September as the big Year 2s.  I know you will make our new children feel welcome and part of the Marvellous Meerkat family.

I hope you all have a most wonderful summer break.

Best wishes,

Mrs Jeffery, Mrs Hughes and Miss Smith

Meerkat Class Team

Our class email is class3@westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk