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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Happy Holidays!

It is hard to believe that we have come to the end of the year. It has been wonderful to watch the children grown and prepare them for their next adventure, wherever it may be!

We have spent the week finishing off and showcasing the skills we have been taught through the year. We have explored leaflets and their function before making our own to entice visitors to the motor museum.

In maths, we had to play with cubes to work systematically thinking about whether we could make sticks, rectangles or squares. The children were quick to discover patterns and make predictions.

The last thing to say is, have the most wonderful summer holiday and I look forward to welcoming some of you back in September and to those of you moving on, don’t forget to come back and visit!

Next week….

  • - Year 2 graduation Wednesday 2.15 at WCP
  • - Wednesday 24th July – last day of school!