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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Fruit salad, yummy yummy!

In English, the children have written the fantastic non-chronological reports all about some landmarks in London and how amazing it is. They all included features in their writing and thought about some great did you know facts!

In maths, we have been looking at grouping objects and making sure that they are equal. This will help us to move on to our multiplication and division as well as looking at odd and even numbers.

For our DT we have been carrying on with our cooking skills, and focusing on eating a healthy, balanced diet. The class investigated different fruits before we designed a fruit salad. Then, using the claw and bridge technique, we safely chopped and sliced fruit to make one. We had the opportunity to eat everything and all of the children loved how delicious they were.

PE, was all about using our balancing skills to help us climb and use different gym apparatus. 


Miss McMillan and the Leopard class team :)



  • Miss McMillan will be in all week.
  • It will be Miss Bendell's last day on Thursday.
  • Maths workshop and parent event is on Thursday.
  • Thursday is the last day of term 3