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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 8th November 2024

It was fantastic to see the children return from their half term break full of energy and excitement. We started our new topic, 'Sparkles, Seasons and Celebrations' and term 2 ignited with a spark, bursting into action like a sky full of fireworks. 

sparkles seasons and celebrations.pdf

This week, the children have been diving into the excitement of Bonfire Night! They’ve been learning a catchy song about fireworks, and it’s been fantastic to see them respond to music by using firework-inspired movements. They’ve twirled, jumped, and waved their arms to mimic the dazzling explosions in the sky. To bring the experience to life even further, the children have been exploring different media to represent fireworks. Using everything from glittery paints to chalk pastels, they’ve created their own colourful firework displays on paper, capturing the spark and brilliance of the night sky. One of the many highlights of the week was the children created their very own firework toast. 

This term we have introduced the message centre to the children. On Monday the children found a tin with a symbol inside, this was no ordinary symbol it had the power to make things and people disappear!! On Thursday the children discovered Fred was missing and there was a map with a symbol that meant we had to go searching around the school for Fred. Luckily we found him hiding in the library surrounded by symbols!! The symbols we found encouraged the children to create their own marks and symbols to represent meaning. 

This week, the children have been exploring the exciting world of circles and triangles! They’ve been identifying these shapes in their environment, from the circular wheels on a bike to the pointed peaks of a triangle in rooftops. The children have used these shapes to create wonderful pictures such as the sun shining or a mouse searching for cheese. The children could sort the shapes they found and describe the properties using the sentences, "I know it is a circle because it is round, I know it is a triangle because it has three straight sides and three corners."

On Far Away Friday, the children took an exciting imaginary journey to India to explore the vibrant celebrations of Diwali! Pretending to board a plane, they "flew" across the world, eagerly landing in India to discover the sights, sounds, and traditions of this colourful festival. They learned about the significance of Diwali, from lighting oil lamps (diyas) to the beautiful fireworks that light up the night sky. The children also enjoyed hearing stories of good triumphing over evil, and even tried their hand at creating their own diya lamps and Rangoli patterns. The children had the opportunity to make and sample some Indian food which went down a treat for some and others were not so keen! 

This term for Read Write Inc, the children are split into groups to support their learning. Some children will be coming home with sound blending books or Ditty sheets. Alongside these books there will be a reading record. This is for you to record the reading that takes place at home, please record the title and sign to say your child has read their book. We change books every Friday so please ensure that your child has a bag, their reading record and book if they are at the stage of bringing books/sheets home. Children will only bring these books home when they know more than 16 sounds and can blend to read words such as cat. Don't worry if your child doesn't bring home a book just yet we are supporting them on their reading journey by reteaching the sounds. If you would like to support your child's reading development then please check out the RWI Blog: https://www.westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk/RWI-Blog/

As you can see it was a very busy first week and I bet the children were ready for a rest this weekend. Have a lovely weekend. 

Upcoming Events

15th November – children in need (children to wear pjs and bring a donation)

18th November – last day for ordering Christmas cards (orders to be made online)

19th November – reception trip to Moors Valley (4pm return) Children wear their own clothes and shoes appropriate for climbing/woodland. 

26th November – Bag2school collection

27th November – whole school flu vaccination

2nd-19th December - Christmas Raffle tickets on sale

5th December - Decorate a Christmas Jar entries to be in school

6th December - Christmas Story Telling

6th December - Non uniform day - tombola prize donation

17th December - Reception Christmas Nativity @9.30

18th December - Christmas Dinner - Wear a Christmas jumper

19th December - Reception Christmas Nativity @14.00 followed by the Christmas Fayre.