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Friday 8th March 2024

World Book Day and Mother's Day

We have turned into gardeners in Kangaroo class we are currently growing sunflowers, cress and have planted beans this week. We looked closely at the non-fiction book 'A beans life.' We learned lots of interesting facts and could talk about the life cycle of a bean.  The children had to think carefully about the instructions they would give to someone planting beans for the first time. The children loved having the opportunity to be bossy and tell others their instructions before they wrote them down. As well as writing instructions the children had the opportunity to design a garden, create a flower picture and use construction materials to make flowers or plants.

In our maths sessions this week, the children have been learning all about doubles. At first the children looked at what equal and not equal meant when comparing two groups of objects. We then looked at groups of objects that had the same number. The children then started to use the language if both parts are equal then the whole will be a double. We used dice at first to spot when we had thrown a double or not a double. The children enjoyed playing the dice game double double to see who could roll the most doubles. Towards the end of the week the children made doubles using different resources to show their knowledge of doubles. 

In our topic learning, we have been looking at the parts of a plant and what they need to survive. We started to learn the song, 'I am a little bean' which the children are becoming more confident to sing. In our creative activities this week we have been busy creating some Mother's day crafts. We continued to look at different ways to print in our art lesson and we investigated what prints vegetables would leave when dipped in paint. 

World book day was amazing - It was lovely to see all the children dressed as a word. The children enjoyed parading up and down the catwalk to music and striking a pose for their friends. We talked about our favourite stories and the children had the opportunity to write their own book if they chose to. 

We have recorded a song for Mother's day if you would like to listen press play below:



Kangaroos Term 4 Week 3

If you haven't checked out Oxford owl for reading then I would recommend it as it has the book the children have been in reading in their group in addition to quizzes depending on your child's reading level. There is also the RWI blog which has links to different videos each week https://www.westbury-inf.wilts.sch.uk/News/Friday-8th-March-2024/

Upcoming events:

15th March - Red Nose Day - Wear something red and a donation

19th/20th March - Parent Consultation Meetings

20th March - Reception Height and Weight Checks

26th March - Reception visit to the Farm

27th March - Easter Egg Entries due in

27th March - Parent Celebration for Reception Classes

28th March - Non uniform day/Easter Egg Hunt/End of Term