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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 7th June 2024

We started our final topic of the year - Fun at the seaside

I've attached a copy of the knowledge organiser so you can see all the fun things we will be learning this term. 

ko fun at the seaside.pdf

 The children were very excited to share their holiday news when we returned to school on Monday and it was great to hear everything they had to say. 

This week we started the story, 'What the ladybird heard at the seaside'. The children enjoyed retelling this story by acting it out as a class. The children also challenged themselves to create a list of things they would take to the seaside, write a sentence about things they like to do whilst at the beach and create a sea creature using different materials. We set up a beach scene in the tuff spot to help us learn about the features of a beach and looked at different pictures of beaches from around the UK. 

In our maths sessions, the children have used a rekenrek (a counting frame) to help them represent numbers. The children have been using the rekenreks to show numbers by using one push and not counting each bead. We looked at what happens when you add one each time and when you takeaway one each time. The children could spot the pattern and it was fun to sing songs and then represent the numbers on the rekenrek. The children are beginning to be rekenrek experts! 

Throughout the last couple of weeks the children have been creating their self portraits using pastels. They got to see their artwork framed in the hall as part of the grandparent art event. On Friday, we welcomed grandparents and family members into the classroom to play games and take part in different art activities. It was lots of fun and the children enjoyed taking part in all the different games and activities. 

This week we have been practising our set 2 sounds in class and by the end of the year the children need to know five of these. The links to the sound videos can be found on our RWI blog:


It was a great first week back and I look forward to next week when we continue more learning linked to what the ladybird heard at the seaside. 

Have a lovely weekend

Kangaroos Term 6 Week 1

Upcoming Events


20th June - Beach Trip

21st June - YR R cake sale - Cake donations required

21st June - Non school uniform day - £1 donation

28th June - Colour run (non-uniform) wear bright colours

17th July - Transition Day - Children visit their new classes

19th July - Reports to parents

19th July - Non-uniform day - £1 donation

23rd July - Parent Celebration Event 2.30

24th July - End of term 6