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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 7th June

Welcome back to term 6!  

This week we started our new topic about the history of cars.  This began with an exciting afternoon exploring the two old cars that Mr Wordley and Mr Riglar bought in for us.  We were so lucky that we were able to sit inside them and see how they have changed!  A big thanks goes to them both for giving up their time and providing the children with this great opportunity.

We also started our swimming lessons this week.  We had great fun showing the teachers how confident we were in the pool and we can't wait to go back next week!

In maths, we have been looking at the value of different 2-digit numbers and some of us have also looked at money and using coins and notes to make different amounts.  In English, we have read the book Mrs Armitage on Wheels.  Over the next couple of weeks, we will be writing our own stories based on this funny book.

This afternoon, we have had a lovely time making playdough and playing games with our grandparents.  We also got to show off our lovely art work at our art exhibition.  A big thanks goes out to the lovely grandparents who came in.


Important reminders:

Tuesday 11th June - Swimming lessons - please ensure that the correct kit is provided.

Wednesday 12th June - visit to Longleat

Thursday 13th June - visit to Haynes Motor Museum