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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 7th June

A super start to term 6 where we kicked off the week with a new theme – Fun at the seaside! In English we have been reading the text ‘What the ladybird heard at the seaside’ and children worked together to come up with different things they might take to the seaside/beach. They looked closely at the illustrations in the book and then wrote down the different things they could see at the seaside.  Children have had opportunities to enjoy themed activities including creating sea creatures out of play-doh, drawing their own seaside pictures, cutting put different beach themed pictures to create a picture, and using pasta shapes to create shell pictures.

In topic we have thought about what beaches are and what people might do there as well as looking at different features of a beach and a seaside. Over the last few terms children have been learning different four lined poems with actions and this week it was called ‘Going to the seaside’ Why don’t you see if they are able to recite it back to you 😊 …. It goes ‘We’re going to the seaside, we’re going on the train, we’re going to get an ice-cream, I hope it doesn’t rain.’

In maths, children have further practised their subitising skills using a rekenrek. This key piece of equipment will allow the children to continue to develop their subitising skills as they explore the structure of small numbers, while building a foundation for further work in Year 1.

In music children listened to sounds of the sea and the song ‘We’re all going on a summer holiday’ They were encouraged to join in with free movements on the spot, by moving their heads, shoulders, hands and legs. In PE the focus was agility – ball chasing. Children worked on rolling a large ball, chasing and running past, half turn and collect. This progressed to letting the ball travel between legs, turning once more before collecting.

A great first week back Wallabies, well done! 

Diary dates

20th June - Trip to Boscombe beach

21st June - YR cake sale - 3.15 playground 

21st June - Non uniform day £1 donation to class please 

28th June - Colour run (non-uniform, wear bright colours)

Wallabies term 6 week 1