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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 6th September 2024

Kangaroos have had a wonderful start to school and I can't believe they have only been in school two days. All the children are settling brilliantly into school life and are learning to follow our rules and routines. 

The children have enjoyed playing and exploring the classroom. In the role-play area we have had feasts and picnics prepared. The children have discovered the blocks creating a headquarters for PJ masks and have had fun connecting tracks together for the trains. The writing and creative area is a hit for lots of children and there have been some fantastic pictures drawn. We are working on our tidy up skills and using the phrase 'Choose it, use it and put it away'. 

In our circle time sessions, the children have played games to help with their listening and attention skills. We played a listening skills game with two sets of instruments. One child played an instrument behind the screen and the rest of the class had to guess which instrument it was. We have also enjoyed listening to lots of lovely stories such as 'When a dragon goes to school.' 

Kangaroo class love an opportunity to sing and we have sung lots of nursery rhymes. The children especially enjoyed singing and dancing along to Dr Knickerbocker and Chicken count. I've put the links to the videos below...




 I have had lots of fun getting to know the children. They have been amazing this week and I am so proud that they have settled so well. I look forward to next week when the children continue to grow their friendships and have more fun exploring and learning. 

Have a lovely weekend 😊

Kangaroo Class Term 1 Week 1