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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 5th July 2024

What a busy week for the Wallabies! This week in English the children have enjoyed listening to the story ‘The lighthouse keepers lunch’ and writing instructions on how to make a sandwich. They have designed and made their own sandwiches in the role play sandwich shop, ordered a set of instructions before writing them, creating a picnic for the lighthouse keeper, building cages in the construction area to trap the pesky seagull’s, drawing boats and lighthouses on the ipads and making their own lighthouses. Children even had the chance to make their own sandwiches following their instructions!

In maths, we have been focussing on assessing and deepening the children’s understanding of our counting system. Counting beyond 20 has been an important focus this week and for the children to develop familiarity with the structure and pattern. Some were even counting to 100!

In topic we have been thinking about boats and what it might be like to live on a boat, the different parts of a boat, how they work and how they look similar or different. Children used junk modelling to make their own boats and then tested whether these floated or sank. They absolutely loved getting creative and it was amazing to hear children say things such as’ I need to cover the holes so it doesn’t sink’ and ‘I need a sail to help it move in the water’ they got really creative with their designs! It was excellent to see such perseverance and not giving up when it didn’t float. They came back to the boat making area and tweaked by adding bits / taking bits away until it floated. Well done everyone! Children enjoyed floating and sinking and had a go at making predictions as to whether a range of objects would float or sink and why. They tested these in buckets of water outside.

They have continued their hard work on reciting poems and this week they have been learning a poem called ‘Icecreams’. They have now worked up to 8 line poems and are doing amazingly at remembering the words and actions.

Another successful week of learning in Wallaby class. Keep up the good work everyone. 

Wallabies term 6 week 5