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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 5th July

This week we have been busy designing and making our own moving cars.  First we had to draw and label our designs and then we had to assemble our cars.  It was tricky attaching the axle to the chassis but with a little resilience we all succeeded!  Once we had built our cars, we then set about painting them.  We had to look back at our designs to ensure that they were the same.  Next week we will add the finishing touches such as doors, windows, number plates and windscreen wipers.  We can't wait to share our finished products with you!

As there was a general election this week, we held our own election within school. The children were all given the option to vote for a fun activity (disco, water fight or ice lollies). We wanted the children to understand that:

  • A general election took place in our country this week to elect our next Prime Minister.
  • As children cannot vote in the general election, we held our own vote in school.
  • The children could only cast one vote each and they had to choose only one option.
  • Everyone had a vote and each vote was equally important (everyone's opinion matters). This is called democracy. Democracy means 'rule by the people'. In this case the children are ‘the people’.
  • Their vote was their own and should not be influenced by others
  • The votes were only counted once everyone had voted.
  • The option with the highest number of votes won.


Next week:

Tuesday 9th July - Swimming 

Wednesday 10th July - Year 2 transition to Westbury Junior School - 9:00-1:05