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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 4th October 2024

Dem Bones...Dem Bones them dancing bones!

This week the children have enjoyed listening to the story, 'Funnybones' which led to a conversation about our skeletons. We discussed how we need our skeleton to give our body its shape and how it protects our important organs. We explored what we might find under the skin discussing the brain, lungs, heart, veins and muscles. We learnt that the brain controls the body and that our lungs help us breathe. We thought it would be fun to draw what we know about the body and share our knowledge with each other. We are experts at naming the different parts of the body and the children had fun singing the song, 'Heads, shoulders, knees and toes' especially as we got faster and faster! Another favourite song of the week is 'Dem bones' check out our dance below:


 We turned the role-play area into Kangaroo Hospital and we had an outbreak of 'Sticker pox' we discovered it was highly contagious but we had some expert doctors and nurses removing the 'sticker pox' to make us well again. In addition to sticker pox we had lots of broken bones which needed to be bandaged. 

In our maths this week we have started to look at size, mass and capacity. We started the week collecting objects that were big and small comparing the different sizes. The children are confident to use the vocabulary bigger and smaller. We moved on to comparing the lengths of different objects. The children had fun making playdough worms that were different sizes. We used the words longer and shorter to compare the size of the worms. We read the story, Dear Zoo and thought carefully about the different animals that would fit in different sizes boxes. When learning about mass the children got to choose two objects from around the room and describe them using the terms 'heavy and light'.

In PE the children went on a journey through the enchanted forest to travel to the castle. First they had to avoid the Ogre freezing in different positions, then they travelled through the forest over obstacles to get to the castle. The children enjoyed experimenting with different movements and ways to travel around the pathway. 

Our RWI sessions are going well and the children are becoming more confident with their Fred talk. If you would like to support your child's phonic knowledge then why not visit our RWI blog:


This week in Squiggle we danced along to 'mmm bop' by Hanson. We looked at the shapes that help us write the letters, m, n and u. If you have enjoyed the pen disco links from previous blog posts why not try this one:

As you can see it was another fun filled week in Kangaroo class and I hope you all have a lovely weekend. 

Upcoming Events

15th Oct – Parents Evening – Sign up with the class teacher from the 1.10.24

15th Oct – Little City in school for the children

16th Oct – Parents Evening – Sign up with the class teacher from the 1.10.24

17th Oct – Harvest drawing competition

23rd Oct – non-uniform day

23rd Oct – Parent Celebration Event at 2.30 in the classroom

23rd Oct – End of Term 1