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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 3rd March 2024

What's happened to the furniture? There is food everywhere!! We must have had a tiger come to tea!!! The children were very excited to find pictures of a tiger in our classroom which inspired our writing for the week. The children have created some fantastic lists of things a tiger might eat. At the end of the week we thought about the party we would like the most and wrote some invitations. We discussed our favourite party food, games and themes for the party. 

In our maths learning this week we have been thinking about the 'five and a bit structure.' the children have been showing numbers 6,7,8,9 on their fingers to represent a number of objects on the screen. The children sang the rhyme '5 little kittens jumping on the bed'. Using this rhyme we looked at the number bonds to five. We could say if four was on the bed then one would be on the floor. At the end of the week we have used the balance scales to investigate using cubes to weigh different objects. The children worked in pairs to pick an object then counted how many cubes it took to balance the scales. 

In our topic learning, it took us into the jungle this week. We looked at what it would be like to be in a jungle and it would be quite dark due to the canopy of trees. We discussed which animals would like to live in a jungle/rainforest. We played a game of What am I? and the children could guess the animals by listening to the clues. The children had the opportunity to create tigers, use the pastels to create a jungle picture and the watercolours to paint their favourite animal. In the children's play they have enjoyed building zoos, retelling the story of the tiger who came to tea as well on go on bug hunts around the outside area. 

We ended the week with a session of helicopter stories which the children absolutely loved! 

If you would like to support your child with their reading the please check out the RWI blog:


I hope you have a lovely long weekend 

Kangaroos Term 5 Week 3

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