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Friday 2nd February 2024

Star gazing, astronaut food and spaceship creations!

Wow what a week we have had in Kangaroo class. On Tuesday we had the space dome in school which created awe and wonder for the children. There were gasps of 'wow' as they saw the size of the dome and as they watched the show inside. The children got to learn about each of the planets and explore the solar system. In our topic lessons we continued to learn about Astronauts and space travel. The children enjoyed learning about how astronauts eat in space. Lots of laughter could be heard when we watched a clip of astronauts eating as the food floated around. The children had the opportunity to create their own astronaut food which was a hit with some although some found it a little tricky to drink through the straws. In the creative area the children created food using their cutting and drawing skills. We had some amazing paper pizzas and burritos! As part of our creative sessions we have been developing the children's cutting skills. This week the challenge was to create a spaceship using a paper plate. It was fascinating to see the children create their aliens that would drive the spaceships and hear the stories the children told as they created them. 

In our Maths lessons this week the children have been comparing numbers. The children are now confident to use more or fewer than to describe two quantities. We tried to trick the children by making the objects different sizes, different objects and shapes but the children were brilliant and could say which set had more or fewer. On Friday we looked at positional language with the children. The children were confident to describe where a toy monkey was hidden using full sentences. Following the input, the children played in pairs instructing each other on where to position the teddy bear. 

In English this week, we looked at the story, Penguinaut it was about a penguin that wanted to go in space. The penguin built a rocket and went on a visit to the moon. We pretended that we were the penguin and we were going to travel to the moon. The children had the opportunity to make space passports, create pictures of the constellations they might see and write a list of all the things they would need to take with them. 

We definitely did a lot of learning this week and the children should enjoy a well deserved rest this weekend. Next week we are making rockets out of junk modelling materials. If you have any boxes, bottles, cartons, kitchen roll tubes then please send them into us. Don't forget Monday is our parent event we hope you can come along and take part in some space themed activities. 

Have a lovely weekend. 

Kangaroos Term 3 Week 4

 5th Feb - Parent Event 14.30-15.15

8th Feb - Valentines Poetry Entries due in

9th Feb - End of Term

Don't forget to check out our RWI blog to support your child's reading development.
