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Westbury Infant School and Resource Base

Friday 28th June 2024

Phew!! What a scorcher this week has been. The children coped well with the heat, consuming lots of water and enjoying water play outside. We visited the sensory garden where the children enjoyed reading books and colouring pictures in the shade of the trees.

In English we read the story ‘Look what I found at the beach’. We discussed rock pools, how they are formed and what can be found in them. The children have enjoyed writing about their wonderful trip to Boscombe Beach, describing what they saw and the activities they participated in producing some super work!

In Maths this week the children have been deepening their understanding of the relationships within numbers to 10. The children have enjoyed using the maths resources to show how we split a number into 2 groups, making sure both groups have equal amounts. We have been investigating what it means if the numbers cannot be shared equally, is it an odd or even number?

 Art this week has focused on introducing an Artist called Choi-Jeong-Hwa, who uses rubbish and recycling to create amazing structures. We looked at pictures of some of his creations. The children created models using the recycling materials in the classroom.

PE this week required the children to use their balance skills and had to balance cones on their body without them falling off. The children worked well and supported each other to keep the cones balanced.

The children had a fantastic time taking part in the colour run! They ran superbly and completed lots of laps, running under the parachute and through a sea of bubbles! The smiles on their faces said it all.

Well done Wallaby class for a super week!

Have a lovely weekend!



Wallaby Term 6 week 4